Educational Approach

Educational Approach

At Springs Ashram, India’s First Soltioanry school, we educate young humans holistically to help them grow into happy functional adult human beings and to be a ‘Solutionaries’ in the world.

Academic Goals :

  • Provide a well-rounded education based on mastery of modern academic subjects, local and world languages.
  • Train students in logical reasoning and systemic thinking.
  • Prepare students to be able to sustain an intellectual effort for long periods.
  • Generate excitement for life long learning.

Non-Academic Goals :

  • Uphold high standards of ethical, moral and civic conduct.
  • Encourage informed decisions of social issues.
  • Teach students to defend convictions and reverse negative peer pressure.
  • Encourage participation in socially relevant and useful activities.
  • Foster tolerance, co-operation, guidance and teamwork.
  • Develop a true understanding of the people of the world through appreaciation of differences as well as similarities.


  • An educational system that effectively challenges the boundaries of each individual student.
  • A well structured working method with proven instructional methodologies.
  • We believe that the success of an educational institution should be measured by the value it adds to its students.
  • The school is rich with its dynamic approach in developing, modifying its curriculum and is continuously combining, researching and updating the content and the context to ensure that it remains comprehensive and relavant.
  • Students are advised in study techniques and motivated by the academic mentors.
  • Students develop the ability to focus and sustain concentration and gradually become autonomous learners.